• OnE mile Project

    The One Mile Project involves the body of Christ going out into the community within a one-mile radius of the church and knocking on doors. Participants spread the Gospel, introduce themselves and our church, and provide information about First Baptist Church. It’s a very informal opportunity for First Baptist Church members to experience, practice, and grow in their walk with Christ. 

    Our Wednesday night team meets in the church office at 4:15 for prayer and heads out into the community at 4:30PM

  • Wednesday night meal

    Hot meal served every Wednesday night at 5:30pm to 6:15pm. Adults $5.00. 

    Youth & children eat for free!

  • spiritual disciplines of the christian life

    This life changing book by Donald Whitney will be facilitated by Pastor Joey. You will learn the disciplines of Bible study, prayer, worship, evangelism, serving, fasting, journaling and more as a group. 


  • CrEEDS, Worldview and the bible

    What do creeds, confessions and philosophy have to do with the way we think right now? 
    This study will journey through history and worldview to help us gain a better understanding of our current culture, and how to think Biblically.

    MEETS A 6:30PM IN ROOM 141


    6:00 - 7:00 pm

    Mid-Week Bible Study

    Pre-K - First meet in room C2        Second - Fifth meet in room C4

    Kids will be challenged to grow their faith through interactive games, activities, object lessons and more.

    Click here for more information


    A youth worship service for students 6-12 grade engaging students through games, worship music, testimonies and Bible driven teaching.

    Click here for more information